Why You Need to Read Before You Write

Before I ever even knew what I was doing, before I decided writing was my life, before all the dreams started piling up, before all of that, I knew that when I read I could write better.

For years I'd return to the books I loved, one in particular. When ever I was in a writing slump and my writing had lost a little sparkle, I'd reread this book.

There was nothing special about it, except that I loved it, and the writing gave me something. It settled the wild chaos of storming worries and self-doubts. The flow and simplicity of words grounded me. They gave me something to write up to, a ruler by which to measure my own writing. This book would say to me, "There now, wasn't that simple? All this story out of a few words. It's not that hard. You can do it."

And magically, I could write again.

I know, I know. You have little enough time to even write as it is . . .


It wasn't just the magic of the book, but it was also the magic of reading the written word. The arc and flow, the sentence structure, its ability to draw me so completely in. This is what made writing magic for me.

Reading books unstuck words and created flow and movement.

This showed me time and time again how writing was supposed to feel, look, read, and taste. All good writers read good books. This is what makes a good writer.


Practice brings you back to earth every single time.

Following a pattern, like reading before you write, will help you sink into the creative mindset. It will melt your resistance. 

When it's time to write and you sit down and grab a book you'll be delighted instead of anxiously wringing your hands, wondering what on earth you should write.

Your worries will have time to pass, your dread will be smoothed by the words of a fellow writer and your creativeness will be inspired.


Read your favorite books, read books on writing, on creating stories, on structure, on world building.

Read books with voices you adore. 

Read books strong with emotion and feeling, books that hit hard every time and bust you wide open.

My go to books:
The Scorpio Races, Maggie Stiefvater                       
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
Bird by Bird, Ann Lamott
Structuring Your Novel & Creating Character Arcs, K.M. Weiland

All these books have spoken to me in their own unique ways and have filled very different voids. You need to find the books that do the same for you.


Those of us who come back to writing again and again know we will never be free of it.

Can I really write? Do I really have what it takes? 

Reading before you write silences these doubts.

You will see how others have done it before you, and though sometimes it will look impossible, you will see it can be done.

What does your pre-writing routine look like? Tell us about it in the comment section below!
